Newsletter 11/08
Great news! The first steps towards HEART becoming a Charity have now been completed. A new, not-for-profit, Company Limited by Guarantee has been set up – Hastings Emergency Action Resilience Team Ltd. This not only enables the organisation to enter into formal service agreements with other agencies, but is the all-important first step to achieving full charitable status. It’s been hard work all round, but together, we know we can all help look after the most vulnerable in our community!
HEART owes every one of the people who stepped up to help others cope during lockdown a huge Thank You. For those who have been most active we’ve been sending out Certificates of Recognition – over 150 in total! And, in keeping with our Mutual Aid principles, every one of them is being distributed by hand. Keep an eye out in your letter box for yours – and if you haven’t received one in next two weeks but feel you should have, please accept our apologies for missing you out and just let us know at
As lockdown eases (we hope), requests for help direct from individuals and families in the community are tailing off. But the community – and HEART – still need you! Here’s some of the HEART -warming responses from organisations you’re supporting…
A huge thank you from the Hastings Foodbank to the HEART drivers who are still delivering vital Foodbank supplies around town.
A massive thank you from Shelley at the Heart of Hastings Land Trust (which operates Rock House and is developing affordable homes) for the four of you who stepped forward to become Trustees.
A lovely letter of thanks from Philippa at Dance Hastings to the 5 volunteers who offered to become dance ‘buddies with their great dance project bringing dance to care homes and workshops for the learning disabled.
And no less than 11 of you stepped up to join the new “Spices” Project, to become motivational coaches to help people look after their hearts and lead healthier lifestyles.
This is a fantastic response everyone, and just shows the impact people are making across Hastings. Thank you all so much.
HEART is also collaborating with Heart of Hastings to create a series of events offer some respite and light-hearted relief to our community in the midst of Covid-19. We want to pamper some of the community that may have no outside space, been caring for someone or have been self-isolating for a long period of time. We’re using some of the fantastic outdoor spaces like Speckled Wood, Gotham Alley and Alexandra Park to make sure events are socially-distanced. So far, we have "haircuts for carers", "build your own windowsill herb garden" and "tea parties and story-telling". Keep an eye for more news and how to get involved.
Over the next couple of weeks, HEART volunteer drivers will be helping distribute over 80 Food GrowKits to residents in Hastings, courtesy of the Hawkhurst-based Hands of Hope Charity. They’re a great opportunity for people to grow their own food on a windowsill, in pots or for those lucky enough to have one, in their garden. You can find out more about this great food growing charity here:
Some of us are taking some much-needed time off in August so look out for your next HEART update early in September. Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine!