November News Update

Read our latest update on what's happening with HEART

To all our volunteers and supporters – thank you so much for keeping the faith.

Thanks to you, Hastings continues to see one of the lowest incidences of Covid-19 in the UK (see the report  here). Let’s keep it that way. Keep observing the guidance – it works! And, please, keep spirits up if you can. Together, we WILL get through this.

We’re continuing to work supporting our communities. But we’re also realising this is going to be a longer haul than any of us thought and a second lockdown may also be coming. Getting HEART ready for this is requiring a small number of us to do a lot of work behind the scenes. If you can help with any of the below, please let us know by emailing us at

Working on our website to make it even easier to find, get help, volunteer, and post news and information We aim to get it back up again soon.

Contacting volunteers so we can fit support work around your availability.

Developing our comprehensive new volunteer welcome pack to help you work safely and securely.

Reaching out to partner agencies to identify what’s going to be needed in the coming months.

Fundraising to sustain our – and your – work going forward.

We know some are returning to work and many are struggling to make ends meet. But just as our volunteers have provided a lifeline to our community, we want to help you in any way we can too. 

  • We’ll provide you with HEART PPE.

  • We’ll train you in areas that interest you.

  • We’ll help you get a DBS check if you need.

  • We’ll provide support and references if you’re looking for work.

  • And, most of all, we’ll listen to your ideas.

Hastings is a great place with a really tight community. Let’s keep doing what we can to help, look after those less able to cope, and rebuild better in the months to come.

On which note….Citizens Advice needs our help too!

 Could you be one of their general advice team?

The pandemic has seen the numbers of people seeking assistance with food, heating, benefits, debt or employment issues rocket. To help them, they need 6 new frontline volunteers for their general advice service team to work on phones and email. You’ll be able to work from home, get full training, IT and phone equipment if needed, and many of their volunteers go on to get paid employment as a result.

Citizens Advice is one of the most important organisations supporting people in Hastings, so please think if you can spare some time to help them. You can find out more details and get an application pack by visiting their website here.

Thanks once again for stepping up with HEART. Your support for people here is amazing!

The HEART team
Alastair, Kim, Leah, Liz, Lorraine, Paul


Extraordinary six months support for local community


Newsletter 11/08