Summer 24’ Newsletter

Hi folks, This is our “Summer, Is it summer? Oh yes it is, Oh no it isn’t, Might be Summer?” newsletter. Hope you’re keeping okay, lets get on with…

Our lively Community Information Hub has helped 1268 people so far this year which includes a whopping 283 volunteer hours keeping us all really busy finding people the support they need.

The Hub is gradually filling up with gifts from people showing their appreciation for the team - talking to a real person, feeling heard and starting often difficult conversations are crucial to the well-being of our community and they like to thank us! 

The ever-generous Tech Resort replaced the desk top computers they gave us with a new set of three refurbished computers for our digital zone they helped us create a year ago. These can be used by anyone to go online completely free of charge. And if you need some tech help, we can do that too.

Starting on July the 10th, we will have a Citizens Advice1066 advisor in the Info Hub every Wednesday afternoon from 1- 4pm offering accredited, specialised guidance in those tricky areas like benefits, pensions, energy bills and employment. Do spread the word.

Care for the Carers had a stand in the hub to mark Carers Week, where people could find out about what support and respite is out there for carers, including the many young and unpaid carers.

Big welcome to Women’s Voice who have started a new regular drop-in at the Hub. The next one is on Wednesday 17th from 10-2pm, where you can chat about women’s issues that might be affecting you and find out about support. Children are welcome - distractions are available!

Plus we still have our regular free personal health coaching sessions run by One You East Sussex that you can sign up for. And, of course, we have our fab residents The Library of Things with their make-do and mend Fixing it Fridays…

As if this wasn’t enough, we all gasp, Macmillan have now built their new community pod where you will be able to chat to a trained Macmillan volunteer or support worker, find out about services and get lots of cancer related information.

We’re really humbled and proud that such a formidable national charity that does wonderful work have endorsed our Hub and created a space that’s accessible to all the Hastings community. Come in and see it!

Just in case you’ve missed us, we’ve been getting out and about, too. You may have seen us at the Men’s Health Fair or the Sanctuary festival where we were showcasing our new HEART hoodies! Next up, we’ll be at the St. Leonards festival on the 13th of July - do come and say hello. Thank you to all the volunteers that have helped out at events - you make it so much easier and fun.

We’ve also been out telling people, groups and organisations about all the good stuff that HEART does. This includes our recent visit to Brighton Racecourse for a Sussex Emergency Resilience Forum. Staying true to our acronym – and in light of recent emergencies – we are developing training and resources to get our team prepared for anything the future may throw at us. Watch this space.

We are super pleased to announce our new trustee Liz Crew, the COO of Tech Resort. After 27 years in financial services she was nabbed by Tech Resort and helped establish their first digital skills and maker space. They shared all their know-how, invaluable experience and guidance with us, completely free of charge. Now we’ve nabbed her.

 A big thank you to our Community Volunteers and Drivers - we have seen a considerable rise in people needing food parcels and, sometimes urgently, you have been silently stepping up to these and all sorts of tasks. We want you to know how much we appreciate you. It’s amazing what you do for your community - Well Done!

 Volunteering at HEART is totally flexible. You only accept a task or put your name down for a shift at the Hub when you want to. No long-term commitment - it’s as simple as that.

Want to volunteer? Click here

Been a volunteer and want to re-engage? Click here

Want to buy a HEART hoodie?  They’re £25 which donates a fiver to HEART and come in M, L or XL sizes. Click here



Perry’s volunteer story


The Water Emergency