**News Flash**
Hi there!
It’s a Red Letter Day for HEART today with the news that we’ve formally become a Charity!
It’s taken months of hard work to make sure we meet all the very important criteria the Charity Commission requires but we’re delighted to say it’s now official.
HEART is now a fully-registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (or CIO for short).
Not only do we think it’s a really important step forward for HEART, we couldn’t have done this without all the hard work and energy you have put in to making HEART what it is today – whether that was just signing up to get our newsletter, or volunteering consistently since we first set out to help people in our community.
What we do won’t change – we’re still out there providing practical help for people in need, running our Community Information Hub in the Town Centre, or figuring out more ways we can help with projects and programmes to make our town a better place for people to live.
Being a Charity now means we’re now recognised for doing just that. And we think that’s a really important thing!
So thank you to everyone for playing a part in making HEART a force for good in Hastings. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Thanks Everyone…. You are superstars!