March News Update
You’re really making a difference!
The energy and commitment of HEART’s amazing volunteer workforce continues to have impacts way beyond expectations. Here’s just some of the things people are doing to help our community through this crisis.
Foodbank deliveries
Though infection rates are tumbling, January saw Hastings Foodbank’s third busiest month. Our dedicated teams of volunteer drivers continue to deliver vital food supplies to families in need across the town.
Vaccination drivers
Our call-out for Road Runner vaccination drivers was uber-successful, so people struggling to get to their jab clinic can start to access free transport now. Volunteers will be starting to help out at the hospital soon, so if you want to join them and make a difference with the NHS, just get in touch.
Hastings Question Time
HQT was our first online broadcast event – and how successful was that? Over 150 people joined the live event to put their questions to our civic leaders, and over 1500 more have watched it now online!
Meet Other Volunteers
We all know it’s going to take time before Hastings recovers from this crisis and we need to keep going. So we’re here to help you too. We’ve raised funds to help pay your expenses, we’re helping people working in the field get vaccinations, and we’ve set up our monthly ‘Coffee Morning’ zoom meetings for anyone to tell us your ideas or just have a chat. The last Friday of the month at 11am. A reminder email with the link will be sent out before the next one on Friday 26th March.