HEART news

HEART is doing so much in our community it’s sometimes hard to keep up, but it’s all thanks to you! Every week, kind volunteers are still helping people struggling at home, doing shopping, talking on the phone, or getting them to clinics and hospital appointments. Thank you.

If you missed the BBC’s special broadcast on Chris Witty’s report about coastal communities focusing on Hastings and featuring HEART - watch it here.

Plus our aspirational plans to blitz Courtyard 21 into a Mediterranean paradise are with the Conquest Hospital team, exciting stuff – keep an eye on our website on how to be involved.

But there’s still a big challenge…..

With Covid infection rates rising, vaccination is one of the most effective way of protecting our town – yet Hastings lags way behind the national average.

There’s three ways you can volunteer with the NHS vaccination programme…

Just three hours of your time on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday, meeting and greeting people at the New Town Centre Clinic could really make a difference. Click here and let us know!

We need people to drop our ‘Grab a Jab’ flyers through doors, particularly in the central Hastings area. Could you flyer your street? Let us know here!



Fancy being a HEART driver?


Did you miss HEART on the BBC? Watch it now